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Ticket UUID: 003cb40b34bc70d0a15e5207387457af7ef2f3b9
Title: Order of ::WS::Server::Service and ::WS::Embeded::Listen not respected in "EchoEmbeddedService.tcl"
Status: Closed Type: Documentation
Severity: Cosmetic Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Embedded_Mode_Specific Resolution: Fixed
Assigned to: gerald
Last Modified: 2012-11-13 21:17:41
Version Found In: 18c310afd8
Description & Comments:
I feel like moaning all the time to this great package. And it is my first use.

On page at the command parameters of ::WS::Server::Service, it is stated:

            -ports          - List of ports for embedded mode. Default: 80
                                    NOTE -- a call should be to
                                            ::WS::Embedded::Listen for each port
                                            in this list prior to this call

In the example file "EchoEmbeddedService.tcl", the call to ::WS::Embedded::Listen is done ater the call to ::WS::Server::Service.

What is the correct order of the calls ?

I suppose, the example should be corrected...

Thank you, Harald

gwlester added on 2012-10-30 22:16:14 UTC:

Example is correct - documentation is wrong

Scheduled for 2.3.0 (pre-conference) release.