ansible-playground  Artifact [bc8bf7d556]

Welcome to the Demo of Configuration Management Automation

Artifact bc8bf7d556d6c9144ee681ed768127f28f250888:

Wiki page [Usage] by fulstacker 2016-04-05 10:05:39.
D 2016-04-05T10:05:39.597
L Usage
P bc9f956b87ef179f5e0878b0863dfcda90b8e935
U fulstacker
W 1622
<p>This is a simple utility repository to bootstrap Ansible playground. It uses
VirtualBox and Vagrant to provision:</p>

<p>1 VM to be Master Orchestrator (available at n VMs (2 by
default) to be DevOps Servers (available at<a href="/user/fulstacker/repository/DevOps/wiki?name=1-9">1-9</a>)

<p>Install the latest version of VirtualBox and VirtualBox extension Install
Vagrant Clone this repository: $ git clone $ cd ansible-playground Start VMs
(it will create 3 VMs and provision Ansible). There will also be a hosts file
which will be created at /etc/ansible/hosts) which defines a new group named
dev which contains the DevOps servers. Create and provision all VM's: $ vagrant
up &amp;&amp; vagrant provision Once the VM's are up and running, install
tmuxinator and run mux. This will connect to the provisioned 3 Vagrant VM's.</p>

<p>In order for the Master Orchestrator to Communicate with the DevOps Servers,
generate a new SSH key in the master shell using ssh-keygen and copy the new
key to the DevOps machines:</p>

<p>vagrant@master:~$ ssh-keygen ... vagrant@master:~$ ssh-copy-id
vagrant@ ... vagrant@master:~$ ssh-copy-id
vagrant@ ... The password for the vagrant user on all machines
is vagrant.</p>


<p>vagrant@master:~$ ansible dev -a "uptime"</p>

<p> | success | rc=0 &gt;&gt; 07:49:11 up 1:22, 2 users, load
average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05</p>

<p> | success | rc=0 &gt;&gt; 07:49:11 up 1:19, 2 users, load
average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05</p>

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