Artifact 1ce18cac95c45356e783b696361bf0d4086a08aa:

Wiki page [textarea-log] by frostbane 2017-10-17 08:38:25.
D 2017-10-17T08:38:25.507
L textarea-log
N text/x-markdown
U frostbane
W 1483
# textarea-log #

Create a textarea where debug log can be written.

This was created due to the difficulty I had when copying lengthy debug logs created by `console.log`.

## clone ##

$ fossil clone textarea-log.fossil
$ fossil open textarea-log.fossil

## usage ##

<script type="text/javascript"

// show textarea;

// output some log to text area
textarea.log("date and time now is :", new Date());

## documentation ##

install dependencies

$ npm install

generate documentation and see `doc/textarea-log/index.html`

$ ./node_modules/.bin/grunt document

## API ##

### show ###
> show the textarea


### hide ###
> hide the textarea

void textarea.hide();

### getBuffer ###
> get the text area buffer content

String textarea.getBuffer();

### clear ###
>clear the textarea
> everytime the buffer is cleared the cleared contents is added to the buffer history

void textarea.clear();

### getHistory ###
> get a copy of the buffer history

String[] textarea.getHistory();

### clearHistory ###

> clear the buffer history

void textarea.clearHistory();

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