cplex-sys  cplex-sys

cplex-sys crate


cplex-sys is a crate for the Rust programming language providing low-level access to the ILOG CPLEX optimization suite.

The API bindings are automatically generated from the C header files on your system.


Frank Fischer frank-fischer@shadow-soft.de


Licensed under MIT.


Add the following line to your Cargo.toml.

cplex-sys = "^0.9"

The build script required the environment variable CPLEX_HOME to be set to the path of your Cplex installation, e.g.

export CPLEX_HOME=/path/to/CPLEX_Studio201/cplex


The API reference documentation.


The following versions of Cplex and and cplex-sys are known to work.

  • cplex-sys 0.3 and Cplex 12.7
  • cplex-sys 0.4 and Cplex 12.8
  • cplex-sys 0.5 and Cplex 12.8
  • cplex-sys 0.6 and Cplex 12.9, 12.10
  • cplex-sys 0.7 and Cplex 12.10
  • cplex-sys 0.8 and Cplex 12.10, 20.1.0
  • cplex-sys 0.9 and Cplex 20.1.0