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Ticket Hash: e8a10100e212c740472994e0cdee55a1c2f7fcf1
Title: fossil update -v is more than just verbose
Status: Fixed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2011-08-22 18:23:21
Version Found In: 79b7902cdd
After deleting a file, update does nothing. However, update -v restores the file.
/cygdrive/d/temp/dashv>fossil new dashv.fossil
project-id: eefba14973508acdebbe3ecea5e63ec1895e8425
server-id:  41939960aa229ace59c4a833dcf567addbcfba1b
admin-user: Owner (initial password is "9306f9")
/cygdrive/d/temp/dashv>fossil open dashv.fossil
/cygdrive/d/temp/dashv>touch a.txt
/cygdrive/d/temp/dashv>touch b.txt
/cygdrive/d/temp/dashv>fossil add *
ADDED  a.txt
ADDED  b.txt
C:\bin\fossil.exe: cannot add _FOSSIL_
C:\bin\fossil.exe: cannot add dashv.fossil
/cygdrive/d/temp/dashv>fossil commit -m "initial"
New_Version: be989ed7f1647274dda0cfdd16efb6850e87eea8
/cygdrive/d/temp/dashv>rm b.txt
/cygdrive/d/temp/dashv>fossil update
_FOSSIL_  a.txt  dashv.fossil
/cygdrive/d/temp/dashv>fossil update -v
UPDATE b.txt
updated-to:   be989ed7f1647274dda0cfdd16efb6850e87eea8 2011-01-27 20:43:03 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      initial (user: Owner)
"fossil undo" is available to undo changes to the working checkout.
_FOSSIL_  a.txt  b.txt  dashv.fossil added on 2011-08-22 15:29:33 UTC:
Yes, I can see this, too, with at least

$ fossil version This is fossil version 1.18 [df9da91ba8] 2011-07-13 23:03:41 UTC

Also the transcript is very interesting:

$ ./
project-id: 6bc2abb2549099cdc849e19c269d8ead14bd6113
server-id:  e4843abba50a452aefa3d5a102eb96481be4fba4
admin-user: phaeton (initial password is "41ba40")
ADDED  some-file
New_Version: ffdb5f97e8190eaa0564af8845acf05f5f4cd6fc
-rw-------  1 phaeton  users  0 Aug 22 11:27 some-file
After rm: some-file is not there.
repository:   /data/home/phaeton/tmp/ftst/banzai.fossil
local-root:   /data/home/phaeton/tmp/ftst/open/
server-code:  e4843abba50a452aefa3d5a102eb96481be4fba4
checkout:     ffdb5f97e8190eaa0564af8845acf05f5f4cd6fc 2011-08-22 15:27:20 UTC
parent:       9a89746aa0dec33acf90d3375e8f828b836dae36 2011-08-22 15:27:20 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      added some file (user: phaeton)
MISSING    some-file
After fossil update: some-file is not there.
repository:   /data/home/phaeton/tmp/ftst/banzai.fossil
local-root:   /data/home/phaeton/tmp/ftst/open/
server-code:  e4843abba50a452aefa3d5a102eb96481be4fba4
checkout:     ffdb5f97e8190eaa0564af8845acf05f5f4cd6fc 2011-08-22 15:27:20 UTC
parent:       9a89746aa0dec33acf90d3375e8f828b836dae36 2011-08-22 15:27:20 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      added some file (user: phaeton)
MISSING    some-file
UPDATE some-file
updated-to:   ffdb5f97e8190eaa0564af8845acf05f5f4cd6fc 2011-08-22 15:27:20 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      added some file (user: phaeton)
"fossil undo" is available to undo changes to the working checkout.
repository:   /data/home/phaeton/tmp/ftst/banzai.fossil
local-root:   /data/home/phaeton/tmp/ftst/open/
server-code:  e4843abba50a452aefa3d5a102eb96481be4fba4
checkout:     ffdb5f97e8190eaa0564af8845acf05f5f4cd6fc 2011-08-22 15:27:20 UTC
parent:       9a89746aa0dec33acf90d3375e8f828b836dae36 2011-08-22 15:27:20 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      added some file (user: phaeton)
EDITED     some-file
fossil: there are unsaved changes in the current checkout
Look at the last two lines. After doing nothing more than an update, fossil thinks some-file has been EDITED where it's not. It's an empty file, just like the one that has been added.
