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24 events for the month beginning 2011-01-01 by user dmitry

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12:25 Edit [c01667b00d2c2909|c01667b00d]: Mark "Closed". artifact: 1aface0311 user: dmitry
Add symlink support for Unix. New settings flag "allow-symlinks" controls this (off by default). check-in: ed2ef7e9a3 user: dmitry tags: symlinks
19:00 Edit [a7b7ff3ac21e9d0a|a7b7ff3ac2]: Change branch background color to "#ffc0ff". Edit check-in comment. artifact: 1906aab3f5 user: dmitry
Create new branch named "symlinks". [http://www.mail-archive.com/fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org/msg03402.html|Mailing list thread] check-in: a7b7ff3ac2 user: dmitry tags: symlinks
11:05 Changes to wiki page "Cookbook" artifact: 377b7dcd04 user: dmitry
11:04 Changes to wiki page "Cookbook" artifact: fea41fe1a3 user: dmitry
02:18 Ticket [67936dc2ab] Fossil SCM as a NoSQL database instead of CouchDB status still Open with 1 other change artifact: e5a0a4b468 user: dmitry
11:35 Ticket [e0f68fcf21] Merge directive (i.e. patch with history) status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: 00dca30e34 user: dmitry
12:32 New ticket [4429a81aa8] Strange behavior when changing case of filenames on case-insensitive filesystem. artifact: e2708816ad user: dmitry
22:34 Changes to wiki page "Cookbook" artifact: cc20975549 user: dmitry
21:19 Changes to wiki page "Cookbook" artifact: 20f2ec4b5d user: dmitry
14:01 Ticket [ad98e8f665] Add code editing to web interface status still Open with 1 other change artifact: c18c188941 user: dmitry
01:23 Ticket [9cb4a4d74b] Change doctype to HTML5 status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: 789d00534b user: dmitry ... 1 similar event omitted.
14:19 Ticket [ad98e8f665] Add code editing to web interface status still Open with 1 other change artifact: cb8bca5c5f user: dmitry
18:58 Ticket [0ffa37e70e] There is currently no way to enforce 100% use of SSL status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 8766f12e50 user: dmitry ... 2 similar events omitted.
02:03 Ticket [bfef8e4f89] Stash doesn't save files without using "fossil changes" before status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 73c961d35e user: dmitry ... 5 similar events omitted.
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