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99 events for the month beginning 2010-11-01 by user anonymous

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21:05 Ticket [33ffff3b4d] Add a way to do an automatic binary search status still Open with 1 other change artifact: ddc7a753a9 user: anonymous
21:01 New ticket [80a524317d] An alias for the command 'help' like in subversion.. artifact: 4e3581e1f7 user: anonymous
20:33 Ticket [2ee159304e] Error in timeline (armv5tel-linux) showing events status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 2df8e511fd user: anonymous ... 3 similar events omitted.
23:16 Closed ticket [f1c75f3844]: Events without tags don't get listed plus 1 other change artifact: ec23be28ff user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
23:53 New ticket [2600e5a50d] Add a simple read-only WebDAV access. artifact: 9be83013ed user: anonymous
23:44 Ticket [99caf06e17] Error moving a file to a directory status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 8c12b7df19 user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
23:19 Ticket [f1c75f3844] Events without tags don't get listed status still Closed with 1 other change artifact: a511f78aaa user: anonymous
07:40 Ticket [33ffff3b4d] Add a way to do an automatic binary search status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: e16c64038a user: anonymous
12:03 New ticket [c678f128a4] Cannot add attachments on Windows. artifact: 9f370973c4 user: anonymous
09:25 New ticket [33ffff3b4d] Add a way to do an automatic binary search. artifact: 0c5ca7e5f8 user: anonymous
04:29 Add attachment bugfix.patch to ticket [3e58b8ceaf] artifact: 10852abdb8 user: anonymous
04:23 New ticket [3e58b8ceaf] fossil timeline -n limits by number of printed lines rather than number of entries. artifact: 4c2e16a605 user: anonymous
22:59 New ticket [1b1f430078] sync via network share. artifact: 4b680fefb7 user: anonymous
15:35 New ticket [1d77d8f566] On firefox, forward and backward don't refill the forms. artifact: 50151f68bf user: anonymous
15:33 New ticket [7c36bea9f3] The wiki artifacts are not shown on raw text. artifact: ea27d7e07e user: anonymous
11:21 Ticket [3dbc12f49d] Edit ticket fails to save changes if assigned_to AND remark are changed. status still Open with 1 other change artifact: ce8da48e43 user: anonymous
01:30 Ticket [ad15a8e2af] Cannot commit a renamed file specifying files status still Fixed with 1 other change artifact: a453caa69d user: anonymous
01:30 Ticket [5cc33a6aa0] Committing one file while another is pending delete will commit both files. status still Fixed with 1 other change artifact: b165c5fd8f user: anonymous
22:22 Ticket [bd9a306492] Support for on-commit code reviews status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: e905ed0cf0 user: anonymous
22:18 Ticket [375e570332] fossil: bad object id: 0 on up status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 430272a25f user: anonymous
22:15 New ticket [f1c75f3844] Events without tags don't get listed. artifact: 9700c78ded user: anonymous
19:19 New ticket [b6579b1ec1] Update with a merge fails on unicode files. artifact: f7a62b7326 user: anonymous
16:47 New ticket [77dc5de639] /home redirect loop. artifact: 34db4527b1 user: anonymous
14:06 Ticket [5cc33a6aa0] Committing one file while another is pending delete will commit both files. status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: 374cda0140 user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
13:54 Ticket [ad15a8e2af] Cannot commit a renamed file specifying files status still Open with 1 other change artifact: ab85a0350b user: anonymous
17:30 New ticket [806c4358cd] Wrong anchor on 'settings'' in reference (settings vs. setting). artifact: 9e97a77f0a user: anonymous
14:22 New ticket [99caf06e17] Error moving a file to a directory. artifact: d6eb690e77 user: anonymous
14:16 Ticket [746949c931] Have an easy way to access parents of a commit status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: b030911330 user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
15:13 Ticket [d798ba2e79] Hooks request status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 7f92599026 user: anonymous
12:13 Ticket [a2dc3b67a2] Versioned files in Windows still appear as extras if not commited with proper case status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: 399b3cddf1 user: anonymous
12:10 Ticket [e29ea5912a] Privacy attribution loss due to de/reconstruct ... status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 95c80c6cf9 user: anonymous
11:21 Ticket [d798ba2e79] Hooks request status still Open with 1 other change artifact: d1609c0e0a user: anonymous
03:10 New ticket [a2dc3b67a2] Versioned files in Windows still appear as extras if not commited with proper case. artifact: 00a1c01144 user: anonymous
22:47 Ticket [e29ea5912a] Privacy attribution loss due to de/reconstruct ... status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: 1a8b561792 user: anonymous
22:22 New ticket [f21f98c267] Consistently support -R for almost all commands. artifact: 9c7637338d user: anonymous
22:04 New ticket [2c6a589bc5] Improve ancestor output for initial checkin. artifact: c1a3b275da user: anonymous
08:18 Ticket [c9e84b5671] fossil treats anybody connecting from as user with UID 1 status still Closed with 1 other change artifact: f3138b63ad user: anonymous ... 2 similar events omitted.
00:47 New ticket [2c7b1cd3a3] Cannot bind to specific IP address when in server mode. artifact: 040637cd81 user: anonymous
12:31 New ticket [f386e46e1f] fossil sqlite3 OPTIONS not properly evaluated. artifact: f849f83fc8 user: anonymous
10:56 New ticket [feeb8a91eb] "Unsupported command: blob" error during Fossil to Git export. artifact: f56527c8b1 user: anonymous
16:14 New ticket [f89470bc3d] More useful file browser. artifact: 1aa719ece0 user: anonymous
11:23 New ticket [93112ea7e8] Timeline graph for trunk not straight. artifact: a9e92267ac user: anonymous
18:52 New ticket [5c7565d157] check in [e0eceb7892] breaks graph on file history page. artifact: ba4df75f2d user: anonymous
15:31 Ticket [af2658e1fe] attempt to 'fossil init filename' where filename = dirname confuses fossil status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: f16e0cf3cc user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
11:26 New ticket [25d3f8d564] Time skew when cloning a large repository via slow connection. artifact: d24d78ebdd user: anonymous
14:54 Ticket [a483f0ab3f] tree checksum does not match repository after commit status still Open with 1 other change artifact: f227ccb2e0 user: anonymous ... 2 similar events omitted.
20:29 New ticket [a3336458f6] typo in http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/fossil-v-git.wiki. artifact: 4786693600 user: anonymous
14:06 Add attachment timeline-graph.patch to ticket [a734fe24da] artifact: c96283cc4e user: anonymous
14:05 New ticket [a734fe24da] Timeline graph alignment on IE6. artifact: 17f2a7af77 user: anonymous
09:01 New ticket [bf18e29fbe] make 'fossil rm' to be able to remove more than one file. artifact: c314ffcb56 user: anonymous
12:01 Ticket [8f8083f230] commit not possible status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: b45caf53ef user: anonymous
10:40 Ticket [15f44789de] Restore rstats command status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 8abcba54b5 user: anonymous
17:53 Ticket [ad76b5d67b] Cannot clone http://www.fossil-scm.org/ status still Open with 1 other change artifact: ad511de232 user: anonymous
16:26 Ticket [66ad1acf2b] No way to change commit message status still Closed with 2 other changes artifact: 6067a41307 user: anonymous
15:02 Ticket [ad76b5d67b] Cannot clone http://www.fossil-scm.org/ status still Open with 1 other change artifact: b958803fdc user: anonymous ... 2 similar events omitted.
08:38 New ticket [1318677c15] Configuration pull does not work. artifact: fe3e98d4f9 user: anonymous
01:15 Ticket [6e51013097] Avoid "obj" directory for builds status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: f5501ef344 user: anonymous
18:19 Ticket [9a34fbad7a] Creating new tickets does not let you specify/override user name status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: 7f9e1bebe1 user: anonymous
14:47 Ticket [ec667f74f8] LDAP authentication and authorization support status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 87ec469dbd user: anonymous
11:34 New ticket [66ad1acf2b] No way to change commit message. artifact: 8d2cf9bd84 user: anonymous
11:27 Ticket [e776717962] replace 'new' with 'init' command for repository creation status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 41f4f32d1c user: anonymous
10:38 New ticket [3c14d720fa] show ticket title as tooltip for ticket links. artifact: f01cd629a3 user: anonymous
10:26 Add attachment checkcert.patch to ticket [727af73f46] artifact: 23ffbb6a26 user: anonymous
10:20 Ticket [727af73f46] ssl: on "pull -R repo", gets ssl certificate again, asks to accept a/y/N status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 5fbf59de51 user: anonymous
10:16 New ticket [e5f0b3e30b] foissil does not provide downloadable diff. artifact: 1df2cba7c6 user: anonymous
22:03 Ticket [9d186979fc] printf() does not understand %lld on windows status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: e1612f0825 user: anonymous
21:12 Add attachment printf_format.patch to ticket [9d186979fc] artifact: 2a42bb0f6a user: anonymous
21:12 New ticket [9d186979fc] printf() does not understand %lld on windows. artifact: e1e2412558 user: anonymous
20:13 Add attachment logo_setup.patch to ticket [11209555c9] artifact: daa0d03bb2 user: anonymous
20:13 New ticket [11209555c9] Wrong MIME-type on "Edit Project Logo" page showed. artifact: ab811a2e41 user: anonymous
20:03 Add attachment doctype.patch to ticket [c18a77e837] artifact: 53681c07c4 user: anonymous
20:03 New ticket [c18a77e837] Typo in the Doctype declaration.. artifact: a045cc9bb1 user: anonymous
23:43 New ticket [3edef69bf3] Cookies don't include port. artifact: 7aa3804de6 user: anonymous
17:17 Ticket [ec667f74f8] LDAP authentication and authorization support status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: b1d1b7c587 user: anonymous
15:28 Ticket [5199df97bc] Alternative to reconstruct for large imports status still Open with 1 other change artifact: e154cfff79 user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
07:19 New ticket [9a34fbad7a] Creating new tickets does not let you specify/override user name. artifact: ec65486d48 user: anonymous
07:16 New ticket [2d1109c640] fossil should delete repository & journal files if 'fossil clone' is cancelled. artifact: 2d0dc49d13 user: anonymous
20:26 New ticket [6b6c379afe] progress display goes over 100%. artifact: 677db7eaad user: anonymous
11:21 New ticket [87f7cebc27] Wiki page names starting with '.' don't work. artifact: b762d4a328 user: anonymous
23:32 Ticket [35b02baad5] Support in timeline for jumping to specific point in time status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 3d6a1995fe user: anonymous
23:26 New ticket [926a1b1639] new diff options -N or --new-file not defined in fossil help diff. artifact: 74585350d8 user: anonymous
21:45 Ticket [35b02baad5] Support in timeline for jumping to specific point in time status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: 96230bee6d user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
20:59 Ticket [c66936089e] timeline pagination status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: fe2f00745a user: anonymous
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