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33 events for the month beginning 2010-06-01 by user anonymous

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14:24 Ticket [a483f0ab3f] tree checksum does not match repository after commit status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 32b1a9ab71 user: anonymous
21:07 Ticket [6248d17d6f] file not found status still Open with 1 other change artifact: c24bb08a57 user: anonymous
05:26 Ticket [d17d6e5b17] Handle file names containing brackets, interrogation mark or asterisk status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: c9bbd1fed8 user: anonymous
21:41 Ticket [a483f0ab3f] tree checksum does not match repository after commit status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 284a04f598 user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
16:34 Ticket [3915adc720] Move page title to below menu for consistency status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 20b1d5c6f4 user: anonymous
07:00 New ticket [5751755d47] Initial check-in isn't usable. artifact: e7c03e841f user: anonymous
17:59 Ticket [e68182a35a] Default HTML for new ticket form status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: 670365bd57 user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
16:41 Ticket [17389900b2] "open" needs to warn before overwriting existing files status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: 3fd50cea64 user: anonymous
11:35 New ticket [7389599496] Styling: Remove table style attributes and use CSS instead. artifact: 1f85e14340 user: anonymous
11:30 New ticket [38d80ca169] Auto link URL:s in ticket descriptions. artifact: 72b3a5f6b3 user: anonymous
11:26 New ticket [3915adc720] Move page title to below menu for consistency. artifact: 02ac11f961 user: anonymous
11:12 New ticket [dc8bde6ed8] Styling: Remove br elements from HTML. artifact: 54295556f9 user: anonymous
10:17 New ticket [f2b5011d97] Styling: Remove align attribute from HTML. artifact: b39f13e62a user: anonymous
20:26 New ticket [2515c984ab] _FOSSIL_ file - security risk. artifact: 96bde73055 user: anonymous
14:39 Add attachment fix-css.diff to ticket [53aa95f382] artifact: cf64150fa3 user: anonymous
14:37 Ticket [1ec8be0c53] /doc on fossil web shows index.wiki but links on the page are broken status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: 8814758286 user: anonymous
14:35 Add attachment fix-doc-redirect.diff to ticket [1ec8be0c53] artifact: 54de68513b user: anonymous
14:27 Ticket [0e5d75657f] browsing /doc/ckout shows files not added to repository status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 313f04cc53 user: anonymous
14:26 Add attachment doc-ckout-select.diff to ticket [0e5d75657f] artifact: 835ffc96f2 user: anonymous
14:23 Ticket [0e5d75657f] browsing /doc/ckout shows files not added to repository status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: b2d4b98fb4 user: anonymous
13:57 Changes to wiki page "MailingList" artifact: 32e9024289 user: anonymous
19:24 Changes to wiki page "Fossil" artifact: 63c42faf3d user: anonymous
06:07 New ticket [255697a542] Relevant space in .cgi. artifact: 8d9a3a4c95 user: anonymous
15:57 New ticket [f58a057474] Wiki pages where the name starts with a "." cause problems. artifact: 5bbe093ec8 user: anonymous
13:26 New ticket [9dd30a98f5] Patch for fixing spelling mistakes in documentation. artifact: 541053a610 user: anonymous
02:56 Ticket [a483f0ab3f] tree checksum does not match repository after commit status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: d8423eebcb user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
21:06 Review ticket [4404464b0d]: Typo, Quick-start and newbies artifact: 744a432bd0 user: anonymous
13:19 Ticket [fb47088db5] The default editor on Linux is ed status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 840057a34a user: anonymous
09:46 Ticket [d33a991967] Option to add directory and subdirectories that start with a "." status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: 6a828eeb10 user: anonymous
09:41 New ticket [270033a5d5] fossil: tree checksum does not match repository after commit. artifact: a66cfa776f user: anonymous
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