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61 events for the month beginning 2010-03-01 by user anonymous

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18:16 Changes to wiki page "Cookbook" artifact: 15013e6b27 user: anonymous
18:04 Changes to wiki page "Cookbook" artifact: 4c97b96aec user: anonymous
18:01 Changes to wiki page "Cookbook" artifact: 922c7cccd6 user: anonymous
13:40 New ticket [18ea58d26e] Unable to login. artifact: 2ef586ef36 user: anonymous
12:24 New ticket [49929a3557] Support REMOTE_USER CGI variable to auto login when using fossil cgi mode. artifact: 294f054559 user: anonymous
21:48 Ticket [068a656512] Wiki Sections ==Section== (with possibly table of contents) status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: c6f4f261d4 user: anonymous
13:29 New ticket [0120af475c] branch new only works in open working directory (Win32). artifact: fcd68589b5 user: anonymous
20:34 Closed ticket [178db4bfff]: cannot clone www.fossil-scm.org/ artifact: cc033dd927 user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
19:26 New ticket [fba6685a5d] allow no space after -m. artifact: a7da7e5c6d user: anonymous
08:38 New ticket [40aeb4f9fc] pull -R and sync -R doen't add the repository in .fossil db. artifact: 3f2773c15f user: anonymous
10:11 Closed ticket [6977cd82d8]: Add hidden columns to ticket reports plus 2 other changes artifact: 829ad45dc2 user: anonymous
02:04 New ticket [e382a8bce3] Corrections to delta format description. artifact: 902dd5b4eb user: anonymous
07:14 New ticket [45f89e504b] Syncing a "bare" repository over SSL fails to store certificate. artifact: 887f303dbc user: anonymous
16:36 New ticket [6977cd82d8] Add hidden columns to ticket reports. artifact: c5752ada58 user: anonymous
14:33 New ticket [178db4bfff] cannot clone www.fossil-scm.org/. artifact: b780b8acd7 user: anonymous
14:32 Ticket [f630d61ed8] adding comments to a tag status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: e9e524a001 user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
09:15 New ticket [43bf069f44] rebuild hint after updating to a newer fossil version. artifact: 89aa282f19 user: anonymous
06:48 Ticket [74782e5f7c] auto-discovery of a repository from a webpage status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 0330a84054 user: anonymous ... 2 similar events omitted.
10:43 Ticket [7b8f21b876] Segmentation fault when opening a clone of http://www.sqlite.org/src status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 630dd7d112 user: anonymous ... 2 similar events omitted.
10:53 New ticket [ce73fc2173] ui doesn't work on Windows 9x (portable_system() broken). artifact: 4237905097 user: anonymous
21:15 New ticket [5e624dbfca] branch doesn't obey clearsign setting. artifact: e774aff3fb user: anonymous
19:42 Deferred ticket [7b8f21b876]: Segmentation fault when opening a clone of http://www.sqlite.org/src plus 1 other change artifact: dc579d0d28 user: anonymous
20:32 Ticket [4e8410bfd6] Add something similar to cvsignore feature status still Deferred with 1 other change artifact: a78b51bc77 user: anonymous
13:07 Ticket [644116e638] The last Chinese character does not show status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: f075b42b88 user: anonymous ... 5 similar events omitted.
18:25 New ticket [7b8f21b876] Segmentation fault when opening a clone of http://www.sqlite.org/src. artifact: a64a24ecad user: anonymous
14:02 New ticket [274b530475] Tags->Timeline shows timeline of tags in huge font (firefox 3.6). artifact: b17e44d04b user: anonymous
04:48 New ticket [13536c292b] Timeline graph cease to be displayed when number of requested events cross some arbitrary number. artifact: 76a5ce6e03 user: anonymous
03:21 Ticket [c84ee1364f] Export zip from cli status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 02779b21a1 user: anonymous
20:40 New ticket [b718806816] Mailing list link broken. artifact: f7b0d4db2f user: anonymous
07:49 New ticket [4aa8218a0e] Can checkout branch?. artifact: e325db6352 user: anonymous
00:07 Ticket [46241f6acb] password prompt problem in bash from MSYS on Windows NT status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: f0ce188a38 user: anonymous
18:51 New ticket [5bba7eaa4c] Fossil "Files" menu does not default to ""only the files in tip". artifact: 1e8f0049d8 user: anonymous
07:41 New ticket [46241f6acb] password prompt problem in bash from MSYS on Windows NT. artifact: 2f5ab11589 user: anonymous
00:15 Ticket [1b20ab6cdb] "Fossil : no such file: in -E2F0FD85......." status still Open with 1 other change artifact: eae704a5e9 user: anonymous
07:49 New ticket [6166fbed08] timeline graphs with search shows trunk line many times. artifact: 0c08ffdebc user: anonymous
06:58 New ticket [c03b864696] support for standalone https server in fossil. artifact: 2a5d6ecbd2 user: anonymous
02:27 Ticket [4884dee3a1] Fossil server crashes on Windows with custom CMD.exe command-line AutoRun status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 42c041eae7 user: anonymous
19:58 New ticket [a2de4526a0] timeline graphs shows trunk line many times. artifact: 4cf9a387cd user: anonymous
09:32 Fixed ticket [8b3c5d30f7]: Cannot build under MacOS/X 10.4 ... missing 'gethostuuid' plus 1 other change artifact: 17a80a1834 user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
20:11 New ticket [ebea029045] Cannot view related checkins from a ticket URL. artifact: 52e18d43ce user: anonymous
07:10 New ticket [8b3c5d30f7] Cannot build under MacOS/X 10.4 ... missing 'gethostuuid'. artifact: 4266dc0c0f user: anonymous
19:57 Ticket [1b20ab6cdb] "Fossil : no such file: in -E2F0FD85......." status still Open with 1 other change artifact: f61efc5014 user: anonymous
16:29 Ticket [c84ee1364f] Export zip from cli status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: e8b94bcdbc user: anonymous
06:20 Ticket [feb61a11a0] XHTML standard compliance status still Open with 1 other change artifact: a19680c835 user: anonymous
06:16 Ticket [0049db245e] Firefox HTML Validator thinks all pages are full of errors status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: 32f71baf3e user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
01:06 Ticket [6c68067abb] Request an option to allow cookies to not rely on IP address status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: d12636644d user: anonymous
21:22 Ticket [e36b52c1da] make wiki (code?, bugs?) searchable status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 91aca24ffa user: anonymous
18:07 Ticket [1b20ab6cdb] "Fossil : no such file: in -E2F0FD85......." status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 3735a9a2cf user: anonymous
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