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12 events for the month beginning 2009-02-01 by user anonymous

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21:46 Ticket [1501b8bf3b] repository created in linux can't be open in windows status still Open with 2 other changes artifact: aa67e4b5c9 user: anonymous
18:55 New ticket [8f1632a3f7] export function not yet implemented. artifact: 539a1fbcf3 user: anonymous
18:52 Ticket [1501b8bf3b] repository created in linux can't be open in windows status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 6c00f9443d user: anonymous
11:08 New ticket [5037536050] Confusing conflict markers. artifact: 4287377fa8 user: anonymous
11:01 New ticket [98b63bd316] 3-way merge drops line. artifact: 4685cf049d user: anonymous
17:46 Ticket [f673f7e406] option parsing error status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 283654c60e user: anonymous
16:00 Ticket [0a0f00d434] Wiki edit textarea display and Wiki name does not support non-ASCII word status still Open with 1 other change artifact: a62087d724 user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted.
18:54 Ticket [1501b8bf3b] repository created in linux can't be open in windows status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 3e542db51c user: anonymous
23:02 New ticket [93c266d3ee] Difficulty to correctly add/list files/directories with accended characters in name/path and see them listed in "Files" menu.. artifact: 7f05f077b1 user: anonymous
10:42 New ticket [5b871546ce] Possible typo in file src/main.c, introduced by check-in [b2e55c0d4d]. artifact: 4478700846 user: anonymous
08:53 Ticket [cc6557cfc5] Unicode support status still Open with 1 other change artifact: 4d9e890ea8 user: anonymous
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