Artifact [0e11b3d6fc]
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Artifact 0e11b3d6fc3debfc58d7ada8b0d674871020f002:

Attachment "makemake.patch" to ticket [fa403b6a12] added by anonymous 2010-12-23 10:56:29.
Index: src/makemake.tcl
--- src/makemake.tcl
+++ src/makemake.tcl
@@ -674,6 +674,218 @@
 .PHONY: clobber
 clobber: clean
 	del /F *.exe
+if { ![string compare -nocase "MinGW" [lindex $argv 0]] } {
+puts {# DO NOT EDIT
+# This file is automatically generated. Instead of editing this file, edit
+# "makemake.tcl" then run "tclsh src/makemake.tcl mingw > win/Makefile.MinGW"
+# to regenerate this file.
+#### Make a binary with all libraries statically linked.
+#### Enable HTTPS support via OpenSSL.
+#### The toplevel directory of the source tree.  Fossil can be built
+#    in a directory that is separate from the source tree.  Just change
+#    the following to point from the build directory to the src/ folder.
+SRCDIR = $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))/../src
+#### A subdirectory in the build directory which receives the object
+#    files generated during the build.
+OBJDIR = ./obj
+#### The suffix to add to executable files. ".exe" for windows.
+#    Nothing for unix.
+E = .exe
+#### C Compiler and options for use in building executables that
+#    will run on the platform that is doing the build.  This is used
+#    to compile code-generator programs as part of the build process.
+#    See TCC below for the C compiler for building the finished binary.
+BCC = gcc -g -O2
+#### C Compiler and options for use in building executables that 
+#    will run on the target platform.  This is usually the same
+#    as BCC, unless you are cross-compiling.  This C compiler builds
+#    the finished binary for fossil.  The BCC compiler above is used
+#    for building intermediate code-generator tools.
+TCC = gcc -Os -Wall -DFOSSIL_I18N=0
+# With HTTPS support
+#### Extra arguments for linking the finished binary.  Fossil needs
+#    to link against the Z-Lib compression library and to the OpenSSL crypto
+#    libraries when FOSSIL_ENABLE_SSL is defined. There are no other
+#    dependencies.
+  LIB += -static
+  SSLLIBS = -lssl -lcrypto -lgdi32
+  SSLLIBS = -lssl -lcrypto   # OpenSSL Versions >= 1.0.0
+# SSLLIBS = -lssl32 -leay32  # OpenSSL Versions <  1.0.0
+# OpenSSL:
+  LIB += $(SSLLIBS)
+# Normal required libraries:
+LIB += -lz -lws2_32
+#### Tcl shell for use in running the fossil testsuite.
+TCLSH = tclsh
+#           D O   N O T   C H A N G E   A N Y T H I N G   B E L O W
+puts -nonewline "SRC ="
+foreach s [lsort $src] {
+  puts -nonewline " \\\n  \$(SRCDIR)/$s.c"
+puts "\n"
+puts -nonewline "TRANS_SRC ="
+foreach s [lsort $src] {
+  puts -nonewline " \\\n  \$(OBJDIR)/${s}_.c"
+puts "\n"
+puts -nonewline "OBJ ="
+foreach s [lsort $src] {
+  puts -nonewline " \\\n  \$(OBJDIR)/$s.o"
+puts "\n"
+puts "APPNAME     = $name\$(E)"
+puts "TRANSLATE   = \$(subst /,\\,\$(OBJDIR)/translate\$(E))"
+puts "MAKEHEADERS = \$(subst /,\\,\$(OBJDIR)/makeheaders\$(E))"
+puts "MKINDEX     = \$(subst /,\\,\$(OBJDIR)/mkindex\$(E))"
+puts "VERSION     = \$(subst /,\\,\$(OBJDIR)/version\$(E))"
+puts {#
+# Build rules.
+all: $(OBJDIR) $(APPNAME)
+install: all
+	strip $(APPNAME)
+	mkdir $(subst /,\,$(OBJDIR))
+$(TRANSLATE): $(SRCDIR)/translate.c
+	$(BCC) -o $@ $<
+$(MAKEHEADERS): $(SRCDIR)/makeheaders.c
+	$(BCC) -o $@ $<
+$(MKINDEX): $(SRCDIR)/mkindex.c
+	$(BCC) -o $@ $<
+$(VERSION): $(SRCDIR)/../win/version.c
+	$(BCC) -o $@ $<
+# WARNING. DANGER. Running the testsuite modifies the repository the
+# build is done from, i.e. the checkout belongs to. Do not sync/push
+# the repository after running the tests.
+test: $(APPNAME)
+	$(TCLSH) test/tester.tcl $(APPNAME)
+$(OBJDIR)/VERSION.h: $(VERSION) $(SRCDIR)/../manifest.uuid $(SRCDIR)/../manifest
+	$^ > $@
+  $(OBJDIR)/sqlite3.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/shell.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/th.o \
+  $(OBJDIR)/th_lang.o
+RESOURCE = $(OBJDIR)/fossil.coff
+# This rule prevents make from using its default rules to try build
+# an executable named "manifest" out of the file named "manifest.c"
+	# noop
+	-rmdir /S /Q $(subst /,\,$(OBJDIR))
+realclean: clean
+	-del $(APPNAME)
+set mhargs {}
+foreach s [lsort $src] {
+  append mhargs " \$(OBJDIR)/${s}_.c:\$(OBJDIR)/$s.h"
+  set extra_h($s) {}
+append mhargs " \$(SRCDIR)/sqlite3.h"
+append mhargs " \$(SRCDIR)/th.h"
+append mhargs " \$(OBJDIR)/VERSION.h"
+puts "\$(OBJDIR)/page_index.h: \$(TRANS_SRC) \$(MKINDEX)"
+puts "\t\$(MKINDEX) \$(TRANS_SRC) >$@"
+puts ""
+puts "\$(OBJDIR)/headers: \$(OBJDIR)/page_index.h \$(MAKEHEADERS) \$(OBJDIR)/VERSION.h"
+puts "\t\$(MAKEHEADERS) $mhargs"
+puts "\tcopy /Y nul: \$(subst /,\\,\$(OBJDIR)/headers >nul)"
+#puts ""
+#puts "headers: Makefile"
+#puts "Makefile:"
+set extra_h(main) \$(OBJDIR)/page_index.h
+puts ""
+foreach s [lsort $src] {
+  puts "\$(OBJDIR)/${s}_.c:\t\$(SRCDIR)/$s.c \$(TRANSLATE)"
+  puts "\t\$(TRANSLATE) \$(SRCDIR)/$s.c >\$(OBJDIR)/${s}_.c"
+  puts "\$(OBJDIR)/$s.o: \$(OBJDIR)/${s}_.c \$(OBJDIR)/$s.h $extra_h($s) \$(SRCDIR)/config.h"
+  puts "\t\$(XTCC) -o \$(OBJDIR)/$s.o -c \$(OBJDIR)/${s}_.c"
+  puts "$s.h: \$(OBJDIR)/headers\n"
+puts "\$(OBJDIR)/sqlite3.o: \$(SRCDIR)/sqlite3.c"
+append opt " -Dlocaltime=fossil_localtime"
+puts "\t\$(XTCC) $opt -c \$(SRCDIR)/sqlite3.c -o \$(OBJDIR)/sqlite3.o\n"
+puts "\$(OBJDIR)/shell.o: \$(SRCDIR)/shell.c"
+set opt {-Dmain=sqlite3_shell}
+puts "\t\$(XTCC) $opt -c \$(SRCDIR)/shell.c -o \$(OBJDIR)/shell.o\n"
+puts "\$(OBJDIR)/th.o: \$(SRCDIR)/th.c"
+puts "\t\$(XTCC) -I\$(SRCDIR) -c \$(SRCDIR)/th.c -o \$(OBJDIR)/th.o\n"
+puts "\$(OBJDIR)/th_lang.o: \$(SRCDIR)/th_lang.c"
+puts "\t\$(XTCC) -I\$(SRCDIR) -c \$(SRCDIR)/th_lang.c -o \$(OBJDIR)/th_lang.o\n"
+puts "\$(OBJDIR)/fossil.coff: \$(SRCDIR)/../win/fossil.rc"
+puts "\twindres -I\$(OBJDIR) -I\$(SRCDIR) \$< \$@"