D 2017-07-31T18:52:15.443 L binconvert N text/x-markdown P b4684576f73e0656e5533555926c8dfebb7728bb U erikj W 525 # binconvert This package is in the process of being re-hosted at Chisel. Re-hosting is expected to complete in August 2017. ### About A Tcl package for conversion between file formats that store binary information (Motorola S-REC, Intel Hex, TI Txt, raw binary). Within Tcl, the information in the files is available as a list of segment lists. ### Installation Download the teacup file to your local system. From a command line in that directory: teacup install binconvert.tm ### Example usage Z 75a821a0a593f77d2f4169971d77a9d6