D 2016-07-21T09:28:58.707 L Dummy\sDatabase N text/x-markdown U dmpop W 937 A basic web app powered by the Python Bottle framework. You can use it as a starting point for building your own web-based apps. ## Dependencies - Python - Python Bottle ## Install and Run 1. Install the Python Package Manager (pip). On Debian and Ubuntu, this can be done by running the `apt-get install python-pip` command as root. 2. Install pip. To do this on Debian and Ubuntu, run the `pip install bottle` as root. 3. Download Dummy Database using the `wget https://chiselapp.com/user/dmpop/repository/dummy-database/tarball/dummy-database.tar.gz` command. 4. Extract the downloaded tarball with the `tar xzvf dummy-database.tar.gz` command. 4. Run `./dd.py` to start the app and point the browser to to access it. ## Author Dmitri Popov ([dmpop@linux.com](mailto:dmpop@linux.com)) ## License The [GNU General Public License version 3](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html) Z f34c4d2d8dcf62c44db30f4d76af0466