Unnamed Fossil Project

Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 4b2f8a5031a86e6e3f639c7d3d44d07ba3ae51e5
Ticket: a53d911a1a2907b6432d829e42f55def28da26e3
Use the mouse joystick without continuing to hold down click
User & Date: Derek 2013-02-24 17:09:32

  1. comment changed to:
    It gets annoying and tiresome to hold down the mouse button for long periods of time.  We should instead make it so that you click to activate or deactivate the mouse joystick.  The only caveat is that this behavior is undesirable for touch surfaces as you already must continue touch the screen to move around.  So the behavior should not be changed for touch events, only for the actual mouse events.   This should not be that hard.
  2. severity changed to: "Critical"
  3. status changed to: "Open"
  4. title changed to:
    Use the mouse joystick without continuing to hold down click
  5. type changed to: "Feature_Request"