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9 events occurring on or after 2013-01-16 19:15:41.

17:34 New ticket [aa27da9363] Rotating points. artifact: 7503a1a649 user: dir7
19:05 Changes to wiki page "Draw 3d" artifact: 5d9d56eb4f user: dir7
20:16 Ticket [96a606c936] factor out WireframeModel code status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 187ae5fcdc user: Derek
20:16 Ticket [d5e843d378] Add ability to add annotations to drawing status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 332e482a11 user: Derek
19:56 Changes to wiki page "Draw 3d" artifact: 56272a5199 user: dir7
19:46 Added wiki page "Draw 3d" artifact: 472132c0b0 user: dir7
19:36 Closed ticket [aa20ac0f84]: Editing on a plane plus 2 other changes artifact: 042cfd5f58 user: dir7
19:32 New ticket [edc63fe75f] Improve interface to allow for more commands etc. artifact: c6e038ed5a user: dir7
19:15 New ticket [947d373126] clicking on a line should select the end points. artifact: f366dd667d user: dir7
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