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Artifact 9e8cb4ea96f9d4b3650e9aecbb8f05bfa9f07e60:

Wiki page [TranslateHowTo] by devnewton 2013-03-09 13:07:50.
D 2013-03-09T13:07:50.281
L TranslateHowTo
P af9357b4813104d7c513bb6bb0d388f20ab29858
U devnewton
W 987
Before starting to translate, you will need to download and build the game sources:  [[BuildHowTo]]

Adding a new language support to Newton Adventure need two steps:

<li>create a messages_${language}_${country}.properties file in the game/src/main/resources directory. Check (default, english) and file (french) for example. <strong>Note that you cannot write these file with utf-8 encoding</strong>. They must to be encoded as <a href="">ISO-8859-1</a>.</li> And yes java api choice sucks.
<li>create image button for each file following the pattern bt-*__${language}_${country}.png. They must be 256x256 32 bits RGBA png. You can create them using the button.svg at the end of this page as a template and the export function of <a href="">Inkscape</a>. Again check the french file as examples.</li>
Z ba7d5c5e94d28fbb9cc8f0d7e9b6fcb8