D 2015-10-11T21:34:09.344 L lbl P 5f59ddf4ef06f65212aba1147bef6c42116e80b6 U darrenbane W 609


I've moved this project to [https://notabug.org/dbane/lbl|NotABug.org]. I still think Fossil is a better choice technically, but the world and his mother are now using git. Lbl preprocesses symbolic labels for troff(1) text. I like it for technical documentation, in conjunction with [http://groff.ffii.org/|groff] and [http://www.kohala.com/start/troff/prag-1.0pl2.shar|prag]. Lbl is copyright C.D.F. Miller of Heriot-Watt University, see [7e86c32dd322f91108d0e51659978696e15c6b2f|NOTICE] for details. I am merely updating it slightly to compile with modern C11 compilers. Z e8bb3d679aada91c11a16ba245e826fa