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The all command will let you perform (some) commands on all of your repositories, and provides a way of finding all of your repositories as well.

There are some commands you might especially want to perform on every repository you've got, once in a while. fossil all includes four of the most likely as sub-commands: pull, push, rebuild and sync.

Follow the links to find out what each of those do, and then a moment of thought will tell you why you might want to have them available for all repositories.

Certainly you'll want your repositories all rebuilt when you upgrade fossil after there has been a change in the repository structure. For the others, it depends. Usually you would want across-the-board versions if you've been "off Net" for a while, and have commits to multiple repositories than you need to share, or want to get the repository changes that have been made by others, or both.

The last sub-command provided by all is "list."

While the other sub-commands give you a way to conveniently take care of all of your repositories for some common tasks, the list provides a way to take care of any subset of your repositories in any way you want. It provides a list of all of your repositories' locations. fossil all list outputs a one-per-line listing of the path for each of your repositories. With that in hand, you can easily script just about any repository manipulations you want.

Or, you could just jog your memory.

The all command uses the .fossil file in the home directory to find all of your repositories, so you can mess it up by moving your repositories around. This is easy to do inadvertently if you have a cavalier attitude about repos, but you'll know pretty quickly that you've done it—many commands you try to use from inside of a checkout won't work correctly. The .fossil file is an sqlite db file which fossil uses to keeping track of repository locations. Advice: if you move your repositories around, let fossil know you did; close them before you move them, and then open them from their new locations.

See also: fossil pull, fossil push, fossil rebuild, fossil sync, fossil open, fossil close, Reference, SQLite