Mobile Collapsible Set Element

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1 Mobile Collapsible Set Element - #mobile_collapsible_set {}

This element produces a Mobile Collapsible Set Element, which groups together #collapsible elements into a single unified structure. The resulting collapsibles will then close any open collapsibles when another within the same group is opened.


#mobile_collapsible_set { 
      #collapsible{ ... },
      #collapsible{ ... },
      #collapsible{ ... }


header_theme - (atom)
Set the jQuery Mobile swatch letter for the contained #collapsible{} elements' header.
content_theme - (atom)
Set the jQuery Mobile swatch letter for the contained #collapsible{} elements' content.
mini - (boolean)
Set to true to render the contained #collapsible{} elements in a smaller, more compact form.

Date: 2014-11-12 19:50:58 CST

Author: Jesse Gumm (@jessegumm)

Org version 7.8.02 with Emacs version 23

Validate XHTML 1.0


Note:To specify code blocks, just use the generic code block syntax:
<pre><code>your code here</code></pre>

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