D 2012-04-17T09:37:35.486 L Documentation P ca38a8efdabd3618f8e7183a6d0af5b1a9958d18 U beyert W 764 [Joytran|Home]


User Manual

A detailed User Manual is (currently) included with the distribution. Since PDF files are too large to include in each tarball, future tarball releases will only include LaTeX source and images. Future releases of the compiled documentation (PDF and HTML) will be made available online in HTML and PDF formats, rather than as part of the distribution. As noted, the most recent version of the manual is available online at berliOS: HTML Format (LaTeX → HTML via Tex2Page)
PDF Format (LaTeX → PDF) [Joytran|Home] Z 4ad4bf47ccb33d808064afdfd4362311