Top-level Files of tip

Files in the top-level directory from the latest check-in

  • doc
  • examples
  • src
  • TODO

Poor Man's GUI

The Poor Man's GUI package is designed to make it very easy to develop
"simple" GUIs. The idea is to define the layout of the windows by means
of text, rather than code and to define the actions to be taken by
small fragments of code. Here is a small example:

defineForm form "Input data" {
   Length:   [length    ] (m)
   Width:    [width     ] (m)
   Height:   [height    ] (m)

   <ok_b    >  <cancel_b>
formButton form ok_b "OK" {
   closeForm form
formButton form cancel_b "Cancel" {
   closeForm form 0

The command defineForm allows you to specify the layout of the window and
the widgets therein:
- the construction [...  indicates an input field and the string inside
  is the name of the variable associated with it
- the construction <...> indicates a pushbutton. The action to take when
  this button is pushed is defined by the formButton command.

The Poor Man's GUI package comes in two flavours:
- Tk-based: useful for "classical" GUIs running locally on your PC
- HTML-based: you can set up simple web applications using the same code.
  The program generates HTML forms and interacts with the web server of
  your choice via SCGI.