D 2017-02-23T18:23:00.983 L lexeme\sdefault N text/x-markdown P 3f9b0d56c22c27acf92a3f8f22e7c98bd51523de U akupries W 561 Up: [Notes](wiki?name=Notes) # lexeme default Global defaults for lexeme features Can be specified only once in a grammar. * The order is irrelevant. * IOW setting this cannot override per-lexeme settings which already exist. Allowed adverbs: * latm - Global default for the match discipline. Defaults to "no". * action - Global __match__ action to perform. Defaults to "__[value]__". * bless (Note: irrelevant to the Tcl binding. Usage causes a warning). See [:lexeme](wiki?name=:lexeme) for the lexeme-specific feature settings. Z 6ca5dd479644195b27ab5f0fd4ff1411