
Artifact [80df05cc8b]
Tcl 2016 Conference, Houston/TX, US, Nov 14-18
Send your abstracts to by Sep 12.

Artifact 80df05cc8b16e144716a438a4978d79515abf13a:

Wiki page [Notes] by aku 2017-10-06 23:30:20.
D 2017-10-06T23:30:20.700
L Notes
N text/x-markdown
P 07a0a991b130e8d7abf75bac7e1f7dcb124c4075
U aku
W 628

 * [Upstream Documentation](wiki?name=Upstream+Documentation)
 * [:default](wiki?name=:default)
 * [:discard](wiki?name=:discard)
 * [discard default](wiki?name=discard+default)
 * :lexeme - __TODO__
 * [lexeme default](wiki?name=lexeme+default)
 * [Rewriting precedenced rules](wiki?name=rewriting+precedenced+rules)
 * [Adverbs and their users](wiki?name=adverbs+vs+users)
 * [Semantic values](wiki?name=Semantic+values)

Unsorted thoughts

 * [Fast Sparse Integer Sets in C](wiki?name=fast+sparse+integer+sets+in+C)
   (Sets to hold acceptable symbol (ids))
 * [Unicode handling](wiki?name=handling+unicode)

Z 0cbc2bb06ab52c53791e515f6d2a7c0d