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blob-changes(n) 1 doc "Blob. General content storage with deduplication"


blob-changes - Blob - Log of Changes

Table Of Contents


Welcome to the Blob project, written by Andreas Kupries.

For availability please read Blob - How To Get The Sources.

This document provides an overview of the changes blob underwent from version to version.


Changes for version 1

This is the first release of blob. The changes therefore describe the initial features of the system.

In detail:

  1. blob requires Tcl 8.5 or higher. Tcl 8.4 or less is not supported.

  2. The project provides a base class declaring the API of blob storage classes, and three implementations of that API.

  3. The provided implementations store content in an sqlite database, in the filesystem, or in memory.

Related Documents

  1. Blob - Introduction to the project

  2. Blob - License

  3. Blob - Log of Changes

  4. Blob - How To Get The Sources

  5. Blob - The Installer's Guide

  6. Blob - The Developer's Guide

Bugs, Ideas, Feedback

Both the package(s) and this documentation will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such at Blob Tickets.

Please also report any ideas you may have for enhancements of either package(s) and/or documentation.


blob, blob storage, content deduplication, content storage, deduplication, storage