D 2011-12-04T21:52:02.405 L Notes P 082924c9d94d88e4d4aa17b7a2e8e5f738512faf U aku W 931 [KineTcl|<== Home] Links of interest * http://openkinect.org/wiki/Main_Page - [OpenKinect Notes]. * http://openni.org/ - [OpenNI Notes]. * [http://code.google.com/p/simple-openni/] This project is a simple OpenNI [http://www.openni.org/] and NITE [http://www.primesense.com/?p=515] wrapper for Processing [http://www.processing.org]. Therefore not all functions of OpenNI are supported, it's meant more to deliver a simple access to the functionality of this library. * [http://arena.openni.org/OpenNIArena/Applications/ViewApp.aspx?app_id=360] KinectSpace - Gesture Recognition using Depth Sensors * [https://github.com/doug/depthjs] DepthJS is a browser extension (currently Chrome & Safari) that allows the Microsoft Kinect to talk to any web page. It provides the low-level raw access to the Kinect as well as high-level hand gesture events to simplify development. Z 0e4c074efec50715316cb136de02f4dd