Artifact [e440021f5e]
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Artifact e440021f5e10d2c4677cbc390d3209a641d4278f:

Wiki page [OpenKinect Notes] by andreas_kupries 2011-12-04 00:44:37.
D 2011-12-04T00:44:37.607
L OpenKinect\sNotes
P 79160be2b1c8260cbc4a72d1b3373bce8803e1af
U andreas_kupries
W 950
[Notes|<== Back To Notes]

Notes on OpenKinect after reading through their

  *  openkinect/libfreenect is a low-level library to simply get access to
	the device without having to care about	about USB protocol and the

	Not quite as low-level as a driver, but also not too much higher than

  *  While they have planned an 'analysis' library for higher-level
	stuff like gesture recognition this, and also a nice set of links
	under their '[|Research]' section they also make clear that nothing of that is implemented.

  *  For testing they have a nice setup with the 'record' utility and
	the 'fakenect' library, which simply replays recorded material.
	While their set of public recordings is small, it is non-empty,
	allowing initial development to work without an actual device. Making
	having one of lesser importance.

Z 1b583c19879d9fb251050a11ec59c97f