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kettle(n) 1 doc "Kettle - The Quick Brew System"


kettle - Kettle - Core

Table Of Contents


  • package require Tcl 8.5 9


Welcome to Kettle, an application and set of packages providing support for the easy building and installation of pure Tcl packages, and Critcl based Tcl packages.

Please read the document Kettle - Introduction to Kettle, if you have not done so already, to get an overview of the whole system.

This document is the reference to all commands provided by the kettle package, from the user-visible declarations to the lowest utilities.

It is intended for both power-users wishing to write their own high-level commands linking into the existing foundations and developers and maintainers of kettle itself.

A basic user should read Kettle - Application - Build Interpreter and Kettle - Build Declarations instead.


The high-level architecture is shown in the image below:


This document is concerned with the lowest level shown, the core kettle package itself. The inner boxes of that architectural box show the parts which are user-visible, i.e. providing the DSL commands explained in Kettle - Build Declarations. For the details we have


In this image we now see all the components found inside of the kettle package, their organization into layers and their dependencies. The latter is actually a bit simplified, showing only the dependencies between adjacent layers and leaving out the dependencies crossing layers. Adding them would make the image quite a bit more crowded.

The green boxes are again the user-visible parts, either for the build declarations. The rest is internal. Note how and that the components found in the blue box are all dependent on each other, i.e. these are in circular dependencies.

The names in the boxes directly refer to the file names containing the code of the component, without the extension, ".tcl". The only file not mentioned is "kettle.tcl" which is the entrypoint to the package and sources all the others. Each component C is generally served by a single ensemble command, "kettle C". The exceptions are the components exporting the user-visible declaration commands. Their commands, while still named "kettle C", are not ensembles, but the one command in that component.

The following sections go through the components from the top down to the bottom, starting with the user visible commands described in Kettle - Build Declarations, covering all the green boxes. For the remainder:


Graphical Interface Support


Tool handling


Recursive invokations


Option database


Option Types and Validation


Path utilities


Recipe database


Status management


IO virtualization


Anonymous procedures


Error handling


String processing

Not convered in the above is "standard.tcl". This file does not export any commands to document. It unconditionally defines the standard recipes instead. These are the recipes which are always available, in contrast to the recipes dynamically created by the declarations commands in response to their scanning of a package source directory.

Build declarations

kettle tcl

This command declares the presence of one or more Tcl packages in the package source directory.

The package source directory is scanned to locate them. Packages are detected by finding a marker (Tcl command) of the form

    package provide NAME VERSION

in a file, where both NAME and VERSION must be literal strings, not commands, nor variable references. It is best recognized when found alone on its line. Note that files containing an anti-marker of the form

    package require critcl

are rejected as Tcl packages. Use the command kettle critcl3 to detect such packages, mixing Tcl and C. In each accepted package file the command further looks for and recognizes embedded pragmas of the form

# @owns: PATH

which provides kettle with information about files belonging to the same package without directly providing it. This can be data files, or other Tcl files sourced by the main package file.

For each detected package P two recipes are defined, to install and uninstall this package, namely:


The command further extends the recipes


generating a recipe tree matching

  -> install-packages
     -> install-tcl-packages
        -> install-app-$path
  -> uninstall-packages
     -> uninstall-tcl-packages
        -> uninstall-app-$path

The extended recipes may be created by this process. As other declarations create similar trees these get merged together, enabling a user to install parts of the sources at various levels of specifity, from just a specific package up to all and sundry.

Tcl packages are installed into the directory specified by option --lib-dir despite technically not being binary files.

--lib-dir path

This configuration option specifies the path to the directory packages (binary and script) will be installed into.

The default value is the [info library] directory of the tclsh used to run the kettle application. In code:

set libdir [info library]

An exception is made if the info library result refers to a zip archive instead of disk. In that case the default value is the "lib" directory which is sibling to the "bin" directory containing the tclsh used to run the kettle application. In code:

set libdir [file join [file dirname [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]] lib]

If the option --exec-prefix is modified the default value changes to "--exec-prefix/lib".

To simplify usage the command heuristically detects documentation and testsuites by means of internally calling the commands kettle doc and kettle testsuite with default path arguments ("doc" and "tests" respectively).

If documentation and/or testsuite are placed in non-standard locations these commands have to be run before kettle tcl, with the proper paths.

If dependencies have been specified, via kettle depends-on, the package specific install and debug recipes will recusively invoke install or debug on them before building the package itself.

kettle tclapp path

This command declares the presence of a Tcl script application found at the path under the package source directory.

If the specified application is found the command will define two recipes to install and uninstall this application, namely:


It will further extend the recipes


generating a recipe tree matching

  -> install-applications
     -> install-tcl-applications
        -> install-app-$path
  -> uninstall-applications
     -> uninstall-tcl-applications
        -> uninstall-app-$path

The extended recipes may be created by this process. As other declarations create similar trees these get merged together, enabling a user to install parts of the sources at various levels of specifity, from just a specific application up to all and sundry.

Script applications are installed into the directory specified by option --bin-dir despite technically not being binary files.

--bin-dir path

This configuration option specifies the path to the directory applications (binary and script) will be installed into.

The default value is the directory of the tclsh used to run the kettle application.

If the option --exec-prefix is modified the default value changes to "--exec-prefix/bin".

kettle critcl3

This command declares the presence of one or more critcl-based Tcl packages in the package source directory, mixing C and Tcl.

The package source directory is scanned to locate them. Packages are detected by finding two markers (Tcl commands) in the file. These markers are of the form

    package provide NAME VERSION


    package require critcl

Both NAME and VERSION must be literal strings, not commands, nor variable references. They are best recognized when found alone on their respective lines.

For each detected package P three recipes are defined, to install and uninstall this package. Installation comes in two variants, regular and debug:


The command further extends the recipes


generating a recipe tree matching

  -> install-packages
     -> install-binary-packages
        -> install-app-$path
  -> debug-packages
     -> debug-binary-packages
        -> debug-app-$path
  -> uninstall-packages
     -> uninstall-binary-packages
        -> uninstall-app-$path

The extended recipes may be created by this process. As other declarations create similar trees these get merged together, enabling a user to install parts of the sources at various levels of specifity, from just a specific package up to all and sundry.

Critcl-based packages are installed into the directory specified by option --lib-dir. Critcl's choice of the target configuration to build for can be overrriden via option --target. Kettle's choice of which critcl application to use cane overriden by option --with-critcl3, except if kettle found a critcl package and runs everything itself instead of invoking critcl child processes.

--lib-dir path

This configuration option specifies the path to the directory packages (binary and script) will be installed into.

The default value is the [info library] directory of the tclsh used to run the kettle application. In code:

set libdir [info library]

An exception is made if the info library result refers to a zip archive instead of disk. In that case the default value is the "lib" directory which is sibling to the "bin" directory containing the tclsh used to run the kettle application. In code:

set libdir [file join [file dirname [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]] lib]

If the option --exec-prefix is modified the default value changes to "--exec-prefix/lib".

--target string

The value of this option is the target name critcl should use to build C code.

The default value is the empty string, leaving the choice of target to critcl itself.

--with-critcl3 path

This configuration option specifies the path to the tool critcl3 for the compilation and installation of critcl-based C code.

The default value is the path to the first of

  1. "critcl3",

  2. "critcl3.kit",

  3. "critcl3.tcl",

  4. "critcl3.exe",

  5. "critcl",

  6. "critcl.kit",

  7. "critcl.tcl", and

  8. "critcl.exe"

found on the PATH. None of these matter however should the system find the package critcl version 3 or higher among the packages known to the tclsh running the kettle application. In that case kettle will run everything in itself, without invoking critcl child processes.

To simplify usage the command heuristically detects documentation and testsuites by means of internally calling the commands kettle doc and kettle testsuite with default path arguments ("doc" and "tests" respectively).

If documentation and/or testsuite are placed in non-standard locations these commands have to be run before kettle critcl3, with the proper paths.

If dependencies have been specified, via kettle depends-on, the package specific install and debug recipes will recusively invoke install or debug on them before building the package itself.

kettle depends-on path...

This command declares that the current sources depend on the packages in the specified directories. These are best specified as relative directories and most useful in package bundles where multiple dependent packages are managed in a single source repository.

The arguments can be paths to files too. In that case the files are assumed to be the build declaration files of the required packages in question. In case of a directory path kettle will search for the build declaration file it needs. This information is currently only used by the package-specific "install" and "debug" recipes generated by the kettle commands kettle tcl and kettle critcl.

kettle doc-destination path

The "doc" recipe generated by the kettle doc command (see below) saves the conversion results into the sub-directory specified by option --with-doc-destination.

This command declares that the results should be put into the specified non-standard path instead of the default of "embedded". To take effect it has to be run before kettle doc is run. Note that the user is still able to override with by setting --with-doc-destination on the command line.

--with-doc-destination path

This configuration option specifies the path to the directory the generated documentation should be placed into for the documentation installa recipes to pick up from.

This should be a relative path, which will interpreted relative to the package source directory.

The default value is "embedded".

A build declaration file can override this default with the kettle doc-destination command.

kettle doc ?docroot?

This command declares the presence of doctools-based documentation files under the directory docroot, which is a path relative to the source directory.

If not specified docroot defaults to "doc".

While this command can be invoked multiple times, only the first invokation will have an effect. Every invokation after that is ignored. The commands kettle tcl, kettle critcl3, and kettle gh-pages run this command implicitly, with the default paths. This means that if documentation is stored in a non-standard location kettle doc must be run explicitly before them, with the proper path.

The package documentation directory is scanned to locate the documentation files. They are recognized by containing any of the marker strings

  • "[manpage_begin"

  • "--- doctools ---"

  • "tcl.tk//DSL doctools//EN//"

in their first 1024 characters. Possible documentation files are rejected should they contain any of the anti-markers

  • "--- !doctools ---"

  • "!tcl.tk//DSL doctools//EN//"

in their first 1024 characters. This last is necessary as doctools include file feature allows the actual document content to start in an include file which cannot operate without being includes from a master file configuring it.

When documentation files are found the command will define recipes to convert the documentation into manpages and HTML files, plus recipes install the conversion results. The conversion results themselves are stored as specified by kettle doc-destination (see above) and associated options.


The command further extends the recipes


generating a recipe tree matching

  -> install-doc
     -> install-doc-html
     -> install-doc-manpages
  -> uninstall-doc
     -> uninstall-doc-html
     -> uninstall-doc-manpages

The extended recipes may be created by this process. As other declarations create similar trees these get merged together, enabling a user to install parts of the sources at various levels of specifity, from just a specific type of documentation up to all and sundry.

HTML documentation is stored under the directory specified by option --html-dir. Manpages are stored under the directory specified by option --man-dir. The "doc" recipe uses the dtplite application to perform the various conversions.

--html-dir path

This configuration option specifies the path to the directory package documentation in HTML format will be installed into.

The default value is "--prefix/html".

--man-dir path

This configuration option specifies the path to the directory package documentation (manpages, in *roff format) will be installed into.

The default value is "--prefix/man".

--with-dtplite path

This configuration option specifies the path to the tool dtplite for doctools-based documentation processing.

The default value is the path to the first of "dtplite", "dtplite.kit", "dtplite.tcl", and "dtplite.exe" found on the PATH.

To simplify usage the command heuristically detects tklib/diagram based figures by means of internally calling the command kettle figures with default path arguments ("doc-sources/figures}".

If the figures are placed in a non-standard location this command has to be run before kettle doc, with the proper paths.

kettle figures ?figroot?

This command declares the presence of diagram-based figures under the directory figroot, which is a path relative to the source directory.

If not specified figroot defaults to "doc/figures".

While this command can be invoked multiple times, only the first invokation will have an effect. Every invokation after that is ignored. The command kettle doc (and indirectly kettle tcl and kettle critcl3) runs this command implicitly, with the default paths. This means that if diagrams are stored in a non-standard location kettle figures must be run explicitly before them, with the proper path.

The package diagram directory is scanned to locate the diagram files. They are recognized by containing the marker string

  • "tcl.tk//DSL diagram//EN//"

in their first 1024 characters.

When diagram files are found the command will define recipes to convert the diagrams into PNG raster images (saved as siblings to their source files), and to render the diagrams on a Tk canvas.


The recipes use the dia application (of tklib) to perform the conversions, and GUI rendering.

--with-dia path

This configuration option specifies the path to the tool dia for tklib/diagram-based diagram processing.

The default value is the path to the first of "dia", "dia.kit", "dia.tcl", and "dia.exe" found on the PATH.

kettle gh-pages

This command declares the presence of a gh-pages branch in the repository, as is used by, for example, https://github.com, to manage the web-site for a project in the repository of the project.

The command confirms the presence of documentation and that the local repository is git-based. If neither is true nothing done.

While this command can be invoked multiple times, only the first invokation will have an effect. Every invokation after that is ignored. It runs the command kettle doc command implicitly, with the default paths, to ensure that its own check for documentation work properly. This means that if documentation is stored in a non-standard location kettle doc must be run explicitly before this command, with the proper path.

When the above tests pass the command will define a recipe named gh-pages, which performs all the automatable steps to copy the embedded documentation of the project into its gh-pages branch. Afterward the checkout is left at the gh-pages branch, for the user to review and commit. While the last step could be automated the review cannot, making the point moot.

kettle testsuite ?testroot?

This command declares the presence of a tcltest-based testsuite under the directory testroot, which is a path relative to the source directory.

If not specified testroot defaults to "tests".

While this command can be invoked multiple times, only the first invokation will have an effect. Every invokation after that is ignored. The commands kettle tcl and kettle critcl3) run this command implicitly, with the default paths. This means that if a testsuite is stored in a non-standard location kettle testsuite must be run explicitly before them, with the proper path.

The package testsuite directory is scanned to locate the test files. They are recognized by containing the marker string

  • "tcl.tk//DSL tcltest//EN//"

in their first 1024 characters.

When testsuites are found the command will define a recipe to run them. This recipe will recursively invoke the recipes "debug" (or "install" if the former does not exist, or fails) before performing the tests, installing the package under test (and its dependencies) in a local directory for use by the testsuites. The supporting commands provided by kettle (see Kettle - Testsuite Support) know how to use this.


The verbosity of testsuite output to the terminal is specified by the option --log-mode. The ability to save testsuite output to a series of files is specified by the option --log. The tclsh shell used for running the testsuites is specified by option --with-shell.

--log-mode compact|full

An option for recipe 'test', if defined. Its value determines the verbosity of test suite information printed to the terminal or log window.

The default is compact.

--log path

An option for recipe 'test', if defined. Its value is the path "stem" for a series of files testsuite information is saved into. The actual files use the specified stem and add their specifc file extension to it.

The default is the empty string, disabling the saving of testsuite information.

--with-shell path

Graphical Interface Support

This layer contains the command for the creation of the standard graphical interface to the system.

kettle gui make

This high-level command creates a standard graphical interface providing access to all options and defined recipes, through two tabs in a notebook.

Options are handled by type specific fields, the details of which are created by the option type definitions found under kettle ovalidate, as specified in section Option Types and Validation.

Recipes are acessible through one button per recipe.

Output is written to a text widget acting as a log window, in the same tab which contains the action buttons.

Tool handling

This layer contains commands to manage the declaration of a dependency on external comands, and their use.

kettle tool declare names ?validator?

This command declares the need for an external tool which can have any of the listed names. The first element of that list is the name the tool will be known under within kettle, also called the primary name of the tool. This is the name to hand to kettle tool get below to retrieve the tool's location.

Similarly the primary name is used to define an option named --with-name, used to hold the path found by searching for the tool on the PATH under its various names, and to allow the user to override kettle's choice.

If validator is specified it will be treated as the body of an anonymous procedure with a single argument cmd, the path of the tool found on PATH and returning a boolean value telling the caller if this path is acceptable (result == true), or not. In case of the latter the system will continue searching with the next name in names.

kettle tool get name

This command returns the path to the named tool, assuming that it was declared before. If no such tool is specified the command prints an error message and aborts the execution of the current recipe and its callers.

Recursive invokations

The commands of this layer enable recipes to recursively invoke other recipes, for the current and in other packages.

kettle invoke

Option database

This layer manages the option database, which both holds the configuration options, their definitions and values, as also named shared global state.

kettle option define
kettle option onchange
kettle option no-work-key
kettle option exists
kettle option names
kettle option help
kettle option set
kettle option set-default
kettle option set!
kettle option unset
kettle option get
kettle option type
kettle option save
kettle option load
kettle option config

Option Types and Validation

This layer defines the validation types usable by the options.

kettle ovalidate enum
kettle ovalidate any
kettle ovalidate string
kettle ovalidate boolean
kettle ovalidate listsimple
kettle ovalidate directory
kettle ovalidate readable.file
kettle ovalidate path

Path utilities

This layer contains the commands ...

kettle path bench-file path
kettle path bindir ?path?
kettle path cat path arg...
kettle path cathead path n arg...
kettle path copy-file src dstdir
kettle path copy-files dstdir arg...
kettle path critcl3-package-file file
kettle path diagram-file path
kettle path doctools-file path
kettle path dry-barrier ?dryscript?
kettle path exec arg...
kettle path fixhashbang file shell
kettle path foreach-file path pv script
kettle path grep pattern data
kettle path htmldir ?path?
kettle path in path script
kettle path incdir ?path?
kettle path install-application src dstdir
kettle path install-file-group label dstdir arg...
kettle path install-file-set label dstdir arg...
kettle path install-script src dstdir shell
kettle path kettle-build-file path
kettle path libdir ?path?
kettle path mandir ?path?
kettle path norm path
kettle path pipe lv script arg...
kettle path relative base dst
kettle path relativecwd dst
kettle path relativesrc dst
kettle path remove-path base path
kettle path remove-paths base arg...
kettle path rgrep pattern data
kettle path scan label root predicate
kettle path script
kettle path set-executable path
kettle path sourcedir ?path?
kettle path strip path prefix
kettle path tcl-package-file file
kettle path tcltest-file path
kettle path tmpfile ?prefix?
kettle path uninstall-application src dstdir
kettle path uninstall-file-group label dstdir
kettle path uninstall-file-set label dstdir arg...
kettle path write path contents arg...

Recipe database

This layer contains the commands managing the database of all known recipes, ready for execution.

kettle recipe define
kettle recipe parent
kettle recipe exists
kettle recipe names
kettle recipe help
kettle recipe run

Status management

The command of this layer manage the status of the currently executing recipe and the database holding the knowledge about all executed recipes, keyed by their name, location and relevant configuration. This database is shared among instances of kettle during recursive invokation.

kettle status begin
kettle status fail
kettle status ok
kettle status is
kettle status save
kettle status load
kettle status clear

IO virtualization

This section describes the IO virtualization layer used to decouple the higher layer's output from the actual destination, terminal or gui log window.

kettle io setwidget w

This command sets the text widget to use for output, redirecting all output made through kettle io puts and kettle io trace from the terminal to this widget.

kettle io for-gui script
kettle io for-terminal script

These two commands execute the script in their calling context if the IO system is using text widget or terminal for output, respectively.

kettle io puts arg...

This command is an emulation of Tcl's builtin puts which writes to either a terminal (default), or a text widget. The latter happens only if such a widget was set with kettle io set-widget.

The full syntax of the builtin puts is implemented.

This redirection affects only the standard channels however, all other channels given to the command will go to their proper files, sockets, etc.

kettle io trace text

This command is the tracing of kettle internals. It will not produce output until kettle io trace-on is invoked. The specified text is run through a round of substitution (in the callers context), resolving variables and commands embedded into it. This allows the use of brace-quoting, preventing the execution of such embedded commands while tracing is disabled.

kettle io trace-on

This command activates the tracing of internals, enabling kettle io trace to produce output.

kettle io animation begin

This command is the first in a group of four implementing the foundations for text-based progress bars and the like.

When invoked it initializes the internal state for writing on the last line of the terminal without moving into the next line. This sets the maximum column used to 0, and the current prefix to the empty string.

kettle io animation write text

This command writes the concatenation of the current prefix and input text to the current line, clearing and then overwriting the previous content of the same line. By writing different texts an animation effect can be generated, with only the prefix staying constant. The command takes care to track the largest column characters have been written to and to clear them even if the current string does not cover them.

kettle io animation indent text

This command extends the current prefix with text. Nothing else happens.

kettle io animation last text

This command is the last in the group of four handling animation effects. It first writes the text as usual and then moves the terminal to the next line, making text the last shown string of the animation and that which is kept shown.

kettle io tag script

This command activates the color named by tag, then executes the script and lastly resets the output to the standard colors.

This means that output generated by IO commands in the script have the activated color. Note that the command does not support the nesting of color activations.

The allowed color tags are:

kettle io mtag text

This command is similar to the previous, except that all color tags are prefixed with m (for markup) and the argument is a string, not a script. The string is extended with color control commands activating and deactivating the chosen color at beginning and end, and then returned as the result of the command.

General Utilities

This, the lowest layer of the system contains general utility commands for string processing, anonymous procedures and error handling.

Anonymous procedures

lambda arguments body ?arg...?
lambda@ namespace arguments body ?arg...?

These commands are wrappers around Tcl 8.5's builtin apply command, making the creation of anonymous procedures a bit easier. Apply uses nested lists, the API here flattens that, matching the API of proc.

The command arguments are like for proc, with three exceptions.

  1. There is no procedure name. Obviously.

  2. After the procedure body we can pre-specify some or all of the procedure arguments, i.e. perform currying.

  3. The @-variant takes the name of the namespace the body will be executed in.

Error handling

try arg...

This command is an implementation of Tcl 8.6's try/trap/finally command in pure Tcl, providing forward-compatibility with 8.6 in this respect. (Iit is just too useful when it comes to erro handling, especially cleanup of transient things like temp files).

Syntax and semantics fully match the Tcl 8.6 command. The code was written by Donal Fellows, it is the initial implementation of the builtin, before it got re-implemented in C and byte-coded.

String processing

kettle strutil indent text prefix

This command splits the input text into lines, indents each line using the prefix and then returns the re-joined text.

Note that the prefix is not applied to empty lines (containing only whitespace). Any whitespace in empty lines is actually completely eliminated.

kettle strutil padl list
kettle strutil padr list

These two commands take a list of strings, compute the maximum length and then pads all shorter strings to this length (using spaces), returning the modified list. The order of the strings in the result is not changed. The commands differ in where the padding is applied.

padr adds the spaces at the end of the string (to the right) yielding a left-aligned result. Whereas padl adds the spaces at the beginning of the string (to the left) yielding a right-aligned result.

Regardless of the differences, the result is a list of strings of the same length. Useful when having to print a table. Provide a column of the table as input, and the result is properly aligned for printing.

kettle strutil reflow text ?prefix?

This command strips empty header and footer lines from the input text, undents it and then re-indents using the prefix. If the latter is not specified it will default to 4 spaces.

The result of all the modifications is then returned as the result of the command.

kettle strutil undent text

This command splits the input text into lines, computes longest common prefix of whitespace over all lines, removes that prefix and then returns the re-joined text.

The effect is an un-indenting of the lines in the text which preserves the general shape of the left margin.

Note that empty lines (containing only whitespace) do not take part in the prefix calculation. Any whitespace in empty lines is actually completely eliminated.


This package, written by Andreas Kupries, is BSD licensed.

Bugs, Ideas, Feedback

This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such at the Kettle Tracker. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.


build tea


Build support