Serving via CGI
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A Fossil server can be run from most ordinary web servers as a CGI program. This feature allows Fossil to seamlessly integrate into a larger website. We use CGI for the self-hosting Fossil repository web site.

To run Fossil as CGI, create a CGI script (here called "repo") in the CGI directory of your web server with content like this:

    repository: /home/fossil/repo.fossil

Adjust the paths appropriately. It may be necessary to set certain permissions on this file or to modify an .htaccess file or make other server-specific changes. Consult the documentation for your particular web server. The following permissions are normally required, but, again, may be different for a particular configuration:

  • The Fossil binary (/usr/bin/fossil in the example above) must be readable/executable.

  • All directories leading up to the Fossil binary must be readable by the process which executes the CGI.

  • The CGI script must be executable for the user under which it will run, which often differs from the one running the web server. Consult your site's documentation or the web server’s system administrator.

  • All directories leading to the CGI script must be readable by the web server.

  • The repository file and the directory containing it must be writable by the same account which executes the Fossil binary. (This might differ from the user the web server normally runs under.) The directory holding the repository file(s) needs to be writable so that SQLite can write its journal files.

  • Fossil must be able to create temporary files in a directory that varies by host OS. When the CGI process is operating within a chroot, ensure that this directory exists and is readable/writeable by the user who executes the Fossil binary.

Once the CGI script is set up correctly, and assuming your server is also set correctly, you should be able to access your repository with a URL like: This is assuming you are running a web server like Apache that uses a “cgi-bin” directory for scripts like our “repo” example.

To serve multiple repositories from a directory using CGI, use the "directory:" tag in the CGI script rather than "repository:". You might also want to add a "notfound:" tag to tell where to redirect if the particular repository requested by the URL is not found:

    directory: /home/fossil/repos
    notfound: http://url-to-go-to-if-repo-not-found/

Once deployed, a URL like: will serve up the repository /home/fossil/repos/XYZ.fossil if it exists.

Additional options available to the CGI script are documented separately.

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