
Installing the Model

Installing the model involves doing some preliminaries, taking two installation steps, and then doing some clean-up:


Before taking the installation steps, create a new directory called USW in your home directory. You can do this by opening an operating system command prompt window (by starting the cmd app on Windows, which should put you in your home directory). Make a note of the name of your home directory. Then enter the following command:
mkdir USW
and then moving into that new directory using the
cd USW
command. (Note that when entering a command, you need to press the Enter or Return key at the end in order to execute the command.) And finally, download the most recent USW-Tax-Analyzer zip file and unzip it in the USW directory. After doing this there will be a file whose name starts with uswtaxanalyzer and ends with .whl.

Step 1. Install/Update the Tax-Analyzer-Framework

Do this by following these installation instructions.

Step 2. Install/Update the USW-Tax-Analyzer Model

Execute the following commands in the USW directory at the Anaconda Prompt (not in the Anaconda Navigator) if you are on Windows. On other operating systems, execute the following commands at the operating system command prompt.

To confirm that the uswtaxanalyzer package was created/updated correctly, check that the command
uswta --version
shows you the USW-Tax-Analyzer version you downloaded. And check that the command
uswta --test
generates a PASSED TEST message on the screen.

Clean-Up and Reminder

After taking the installation step(s), remove the USW directory. The easiest way to do this is to use your operating system's graphical file management system to drag the USW folder to the trash.

Remember that every time you want to use the model (by opening an Anaconda Prompt on Windows or an operating system command prompt on a non-Windows computer), you must activate the tafe environment by executing the
conda activate tafe