
Installation Guide

In order to use any tax microsimulation model built using the Tax-Analyzer-Framework, you need to install the Tax-Analyzer-Framework on your computer. The Framework is written in Python, but you do not need to know Python to install and use a Framework-derived tax microsimulation model.


Before proceeding to the next section, create a new directory called TAF in your home directory. You can do this by opening an operating system command prompt window (or by starting the cmd app on Windows, which should put you in your home directory). Make a note of the name of your home directory. Then enter the following command:
mkdir TAF
and then move into that new directory using the
cd TAF
command. (Note that when entering a command, you need to press the Enter or Return key at the end in order to execute the command.) And finally, download the most recent Tax-Analyzer-Framework zip file and unzip it in the TAF directory. After doing the unzip there will be a file named environment.yml and a file whose name starts with taf and ends with .whl.

The other preliminary step is required only if you are working on Windows. It is essential for Windows to show you the extension on each file name, but the default Windows settings are to not show file extensions. Follow these simple instructions to make Windows show you file extensions.

Installing Anaconda Python Distribution

The Tax-Analyzer-Framework is written in Python and expects a particular Python distribution. The free 64-bit Anaconda Distribution needs to be installed on your computer for Python 3.11. It is essential that the distribution be installed for your personal use, meaning that you have write permission so that you can update existing Python packages and install new Python packages.

If you're interested in exactly which Anaconda packages are used by the Tax-Analyzer-Framework, read the environment description.

Installing Tax-Analyzer-Framework for the First Time

If you have Tax-Analyzer-Framework is already installed on your computer and you are doing an update, proceed to the next section.

If you are on Windows, execute all the following commands at the Anaconda Prompt (not in the Anaconda Navigator). On other operating systems, execute all the following commands at the operating system command prompt.

Execute the following commands in the TAF directory in the order shown:

(1) Create the tafe environment on your computer:
conda env create

(2) Create the taf package on your computer:
pip install --no-index --find-links=. taf

To confirm that the taf package was created, check that the command
tafrun --version
shows you the Tax-Analyzer-Framework version you downloaded. And that the command
tafrun --test
generates a PASSED TEST message on the screen.

Finish up by taking the steps described in the Clean-Up section below.

Updating Tax-Analyzer-Framework

If you are on Windows, execute all the following commands at the Anaconda Prompt (not in the Anaconda Navigator). On other operating systems, execute all the following commands at the operating system command prompt.

Execute the following commands in the TAF directory in the order shown:

(1) Activate and update the existing tafe environment on your computer:
conda activate tafe
conda env update

(2) Update the taf package on your computer:
pip install --no-index --find-links=. taf

To confirm that the taf package was updated, check that the command
tafrun --version
shows you the Tax-Analyzer-Framework version you downloaded. And check that the command
tafrun --test
generates a PASSED TEST message on the screen.

Finish up by taking the steps described in the Clean-Up section below.


After finishing the Tax-Analyzer-Framework installation, remove the directory that you created in the preliminary step. The easiest way to do this is to use your operating system's graphical file management system to drag the TAF folder to the trash.