D 2012-09-04T02:53:12.831 L Process\sDiary\sfor\s4th\sSep P c902a19eeb965e5c3f4d7a1f16f38044a7e50edf U Jax_Star W 592 Today I worked on the NCSS Python Challenge I completed the first question "Middle Number" in the first period and set to work on the second question "What Did Zou Saz"
Here is the code for Q1.
def find_middle(a, b, c):
if a >= b:
if b >= c:
return b
elif a >= c:
return c
return a
elif b >= a:
if a >= c:
return a
elif c >= b:
return b
return c
Z f731236d0437518bc0121f4a941ffab0