fossilweb-0.1.3.sh at tip

File fossilweb-0.1.3.sh from the latest check-in

# v0.0.1 FossilWeb - brings up all fossil servers on 8100/8110/8120
# v0.1.0 Starts up what we choose
# v0.1.2 Removed book from "all" as this very rarely gets updated
# v0.1.3 TODO: Add code to check for already running servers, dump if so


# First the source code
code() {
    fossil server --port 8100 fossil.fossil &

# Now the forums
forum() {
    fossil server --port 8110 fossilforum.fossil &

# and last, the book files. need ui for this
book() {
    fossil ui --port 8120 fossil-book.fossil &

# Everything except book. Seems a bit redundant.
all() {
	sleep 5
	sleep 5
	# book # doesn't really need this, so we'll call it specifically

# Better provide help, can't call it help because of the builtin
dohelp() {
	echo "$0: help screen. Starts fossil server from files on commandline"
	echo "$0 [all|code|forum|book] ..."
	exit 0

# Change to correct directory
pushd "${FOSSILHOME}"

if [ ${#*} -lt 1 ]; then # I want it all
	all # sleep is built in between stages
else #iterate, chuck it in if keyword isn't recognised.
	for t in ${*}; do
		case $t in "-h"|"--help") dohelp ;;
			code) code ;;
			forum) forum ;;
			book) book ;;
			*) dohelp ;; # This exits, no matter what the state of other ${*}
		sleep 5 # Allow each server to start up before anything else happens

# We all done sah.